Monday, March 8, 2010

Congrats... You Bastard

Lord, it pains me to post this, but I fear that I must or I'll get swallowed up whole by my own jealousy if I ignore it, make fun of it or -as is my want- go to the interwebs to rail against it in such a manner that renders it utterly lifeless. I just can't do it. I'm not a jealous man by nature (or at least not anymore, there was a time though...) I want to see old and new friends alike do well in whatever their chosen field may be. Which is why I'm happy to say that one time member of the Smoke Hill Boys (which is what we called ourselves back in the day), Grant Lingel has successfully published a non-fiction novel titled Imagine: A Vagabond Story; which is for sale on line at many fine retailers including, Barnes and Noble and Borders.

Now, to be fair to you, my reader, I have not read a single, solitary line of this tome and I don't plan on it lest I receive it signed from the author with a personalized note that reads:

"To Jim, you were the best friend I've ever had or could ever hope for, thanks for not telling the internet that I used to be a woman - Love - Grant L."

All kidding aside, I'd love to spend some free time reading the words Grant has written, if only to see what he was up to during the years we have been out of touch. (And no, you twit, I didn't purposely ignore you that night at Lux; I was busy ignoring other people and you just happened to be part of that circle. My apologies.) I assume the pages will be filled with anecdotes of a witty nature, heralding stories of bravery and sun tan lotion, memories of sexual encounters with a strangely masculine Latina woman named Paz that showed Grant the true meaning of "amor" and the occasional travel tip like "always bring your own towel," or "never eat the free buffet on a Sunday." It will be at the very least a fun read I'm looking forward to devouring as soon as I receive my free, signed copy from the author himself.

Without actually reading the book I cannot (under penalty of law and the wraith of Stephen Fry) recommend this book to my readers, friends, family or personal trainer as I have no real basis for which to give it a review. However, I can say that Grant has always had a wonderful way with words and has one of the biggest, kindest hearts I've ever known. I'm sure it will be pleasing to your senses at the very least and, at the very most, it may move you in a profound way that you never thought possible.

Grant, buddy, congratulations. I am super, super proud of you for even completing an entire novel, let alone getting it published and sold in a store (!) and I couldn't be happier for you. I don't care if the guys get on me for being such a sap about things like this, because you deserve praise for the effort alone. Can't wait for my signed copy!

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